TED Talks

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從TED講者的精彩演講中汲取靈感,掌握傳播的核心。 因應資訊科技時代的來臨,銘傳已啟動「大人物」的數位大學計畫,什麼是「大人物」?


「大」是指「大數據」 「人」是指「人工智慧(AI)」 「物」是指「物聯網」



What do we do with all this big data?

Big data is better data

How data will transform business

The Era of Blind Faith in Big Data Must End


When AI can fake reality, who can you trust?

How AI could empower any business

What will happen to marketing in the age of AI?

We're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads


Internet of Things is Now and the Future

The internet of things: Lorna Goulden

The internet of things | Jordan Duffy

Internet of Things Security | Ken Munro