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1  組織心理學. [錄音資料]  錄音帶
2  來自心理學的經營智慧–溝通、組織與動員 [錄音資料]  錄音帶
3  組織行為的探索 [錄音資料]  錄音帶
4  組織文化面面觀 [錄音資料]  錄音帶
5  超越e世代管理心法 [錄影資料] : 組織領導篇  VCD
6  雙贏的溝通與領導 [錄影資料] : 談領導與被領導之藝術 = Double-wins in communication and leadership : the arts of lead and following  DVD
7  領導團隊 [錄影資料] : 有機生命體的團隊運作  DVD
8  領導訓練系列 [錄影資料] = Training point leadership  DVD
9  領導高手 [錄影資料] : 80/20激發天賦野雁法則   DVD
10  人才鍊金術 [錄影資料] : 如何做個有魅力的領導管理者  DVD
11  主管領導技巧之訓練 [錄影資料] = Exercises in leadership skills  VCD
12  Wingman team building & leadership [videorecording] : a fighter pilot’s guide to reaching new heights in business and life  DVD
13  Personal & professional leadership [videorecording] : getting yourself and others to the go-side of life  DVD
14  Leadership [videorecording]. Part 1  DVD
15  Extreme leadership [videorecording] : how to put more love, energy, audacity and proof into your work  DVD
16  Emotional branding [videorecording] : leadership, service & teamwork strategies for creating sustainable success  DVD