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公民意識(Civic Consciousness)
公民行動(Civil action)
公民社會(Civil society)
移工(Migrant worker)

004.6 Interfacing and communications
005.2 Programming for specific types of computers
005.4 Systems programming and programs
006 Special computer methods 
154.6 Sleep phenomena
170 Ethics 
200.8 Religion with respect to kinds of persons
301 Sociology & anthropology
302 Social interaction 
302.2 Communication
302.3  Social interaction within groups
302.4 Social interaction between groups
303.4 Social change
303.6 Conflict
304.2 Human ecology
304.6 Population
304.8  Movement of people
305 Social groups 
305.2 Age groups
305.4 Women
305.5 Social classes
305.7  Language groups
305.8  Racial, ethnic, national groups
305.9 Occupational and miscellaneous groups
306 Culture & institutions 
306.3 Economic institutions
306.4 Specific types of culture
306.8 Marriage and family
307.1 Community planning and development
307.2 Population
307.7 Specific kinds of communities
312 General statistics
320 Political science 
320.1 The state
320.8 Local government
320.9 Political situation and conditions
321.8 Democratic systems
323 Civil & political rights 
323.6 Citizenship and related topics
325 International migration & colonization
327.1 General topics of international relations; spies
330 Economics 
330.1 Systems and theories
330.9 Economic situation and conditions
331 Labor economics 
331.1 Labor force and market
331.2 Compensation and other conditions of employment
331.4 Women workers
331.5 Special categories of workers other than by age or sex
331.6 Categories of workers by racial, ethnic, national origin
331.7 Labor by industry and occupation
331.8 Labor unions, labor-management bargaining and disputes
332 Financial economics 
332.7 Credit
333.3 Individual (Private) ownership and control of land and other natural resources
333.7 Natural resources and energy
333.9 Other natural resources
337 International economics
338 Production 
338.4 Secondary industries and services
338.7 Business enterprises and their structure
338.8 Combinations, trusts
338.9  Economic development and growth
339 Macroeconomics & related topics 
339.2 Distribution of income and wealth
341.4 Law regarding jurisdiction and jurisdictional relations of states
342 Constitutional & administrative law
345 Criminal law 
346 Private law
351 Public administration of central governments 
353.9 State governments
355 Military science 
361 General social problems & welfare 
361.6 Governmental action
362.1 Physical illness
362.5 Problems of and services to the poor; poverty
362.8 Problems of and services to other groups; wife/spousal/aged abuse
363.1 Public safety programs
363.2 Policy services
363.3 Other aspects of public safety
364.1 Criminal offenses
370.1 Philosophy, theories, general aspects
371.8 The student
378.1 Organization and management; curriculums
382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
386 Inland waterway & ferry transportation
428 Standard English usage
537.6 Electric currents (Electrodynamics) and thermoelectricity
543 Analytical chemistry
552 Petrology
571 Human races 
577  General nature of life
591.5 Ecology
598.2 Ecology and geographic treatment of birds
599.6 Paenungulata
599.7 Ungulates, carnivores, aardvarks
614.5 Incidence of and public measures to prevent specific diseases and kinds of diseases
615 Pharmacology & therapeutics, prescription drugs 
615.9 Toxicology
616.8 Diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders
620  Engineering & allied operations 
621.3 Electric, electronic, magnetic, communications, computer engineering; lighting
628.1 Water supply
639.9 Conservation of biological resources
650 Management & auxiliary services 
658.8 management of distribution (Marketing)
686.2 Printing
791.4 Motion pictures, radio, television
792 Stage presentations 
796.3 Ball games
809 Literary history & criticism 
810.9 history and criticism
909 World history 
909.8 World history (1800-)
940.1 Early history to 1453
940.5 General history of Europe (1918-)
941 British Isles 
950 General history of Asia; Far East
951 China & adjacent areas 
951.2 Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao
954 South Asia; India
955 Iran

新住民(New immigrants)
性別意識(Gender consciousness)
族群意識(Ethnic consciousness)